FORTUNE first edition zines, printed monthly between the Year of the Earth Pig and the Year of the Metal Rat. Altogether, these 13 issues comprise over 100 contributions from queer and trans Asian writers and artists, and 50 unique contributors.
Risograph printed in Red and Black inks.
Staple-bound, with letterpress-printed insert and handcut cover.
8.5 x 5.5 inches.
Edition of 50.
Below, our calls for submission, as originally transmitted.
ISSUE 1: NEW YEAR— We are hereby officially asking for submissions for a new zine, FORTUNE, a queer asian publication continuing to celebrate and build the community we have found in each other. This issue will focus specifically on the new year. All submissions are due SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 3 and will run in the FORTUNE debut at our LUNAR NEW YEAR party. We recognize this is a fast turn around, but we are feeling inspired and invigorated and maybe you are too! Please feel free to pass along to other folks who similarly identify with the A/Public community. **We want to acknowledge that not all members of this group might have a connection to the Lunar New Year or have a history of traditions around it. We hope this publication can more broadly serve as an inclusive document marking a new year, and how you relate to it. Contributions could address, but are not limited to: intention setting, rituals, lunar musings, cycles, breaking cycles, pigs, lucky numbers, etc...**
ISSUE 2: CORRESPONDENCE— This time, we’re thinking about CORRESPONDENCE — What is the stuff that relates to you, and what is the stuff that surrounds relation? How do you write for and against distance? What language do you use, is it common, who owns it? What are your games of identification and correlation, and when do they stop short? See related images.
ISSUE 3: ABOUT— For April, we intend to provide some context: What is FORTUNE about? What we are asking for, from you: Have you been hanging onto a fortune that spoke to you? Maybe one that listed alllll your lucky numbers? One that you just found months later in your pocket? Please send them our way!
ISSUE 4: TECHNOLOGIES— which could relate (but is certainly not limited) to the following:
ISSUE 5: BLOOM— We welcome thoughts, flirtations, and expressions on the ways in which we open up. How do you peacock? How do you BLOOM? We also welcome reflections on flower and foliage as a celebrated metaphor and motif in queer and/or asian cultural production. What roles do flowers play in our spiritual and ritual practices and in our gestures of honoring, of offering, of gift?
ISSUE 6: SWEAT— What makes you sweat? Is it a love feeling or a heat feeling? Is it a sharp pain or a radiant heat? What is the work u sweat for? Does wage labor make you nervous? What is the distance between that thing and the surface of your body? Where do you sweat the most, how do you sweat the best, and do you want to talk about it?
ISSUE 7: SOURCE— Will you sink your teeth into the texts that made you? Dig your heels into the ground you stand on? Will you swim upstream? We want your archives, your roots, your family photos, your places of return— the luster and lack of what comes before you. Will you map that waterway? Write this bibliography? Annotate that recipe?
ISSUE 8: HARVEST— What do you eat when the moon is whole and long? How do you defy scarcity? Describe a gathering, a gleaning, a reaping after sowing— bring us your most abundant moment. What does it feel like to feel full?
ISSUE 9: GARMENT— Who taught you to mend, to hold your posture, to dress like that? What’s your work wear? What’s your play wear? Do u transition day to evening? If trend is conditional on class struggle, how do you follow? What’s the propaganda all over your shirt? How much time do you devote to your garments? How do you perform them? How do they present/protect your entrance into the world? Is this routine a drag? Would you show us?
ISSUE 10: CHANCE— Do you play games? Does risk thrill you? How do you place your bets— do you weigh all possible outcomes? flip a coin? or do you just let the cards fall? Are you feeling lucky?...are you bluffing? What do you have in that hand, and will you deal us in? Send risky matter, aleatory play, scores for better gameplay, lottery ephemera, lucky rituals, bets on love, data hard and soft.
ISSUE 11: TAKE CARE— How are you managing? What is the theory and the praxis of your day, and how do you balance your needs with what’s asked of you? What are the structures of anti/productivity that move you along; and how do they hold you, somatically and socially? How do you engage in practices of health, in systems of healthcare, in multiple economies of bodily and psychic worth? How do you receive love, today? Can you shift from verb to noun, from action to preposition? What lets you be still? How are you, still? Would you write in your language of care?
ISSUE 12: WANING— What do you know now, having known fullness? How are you reflecting on past growth and how are you laying ground for new gain? What do you see differently when less is illuminated? Can you speak to the shadow, the quiet, to a whole self leaning into darkness? Are you ready to try, again?
ISSUE 13: WAXING— What is it like, getting big? What builds your momentum, carries you to wholeness? Is it a slow drip, an accumulation, a fast pull? Describe your critical mass. If waxing follows an evacuation, what do you collect back? How do you recuperate, and what documents do you need to go on? Who’s in your company, when you realize the future? Tell us — about the whole thing.In the spirit of this call, we are also seeking documentation of our Lunar New Year party in the form of reflection, images, found ephemera, fan (and other) fiction, sketches from memory, critical feedback, and anything else you’d like us to know.
ISSUE 1: NEW YEAR— We are hereby officially asking for submissions for a new zine, FORTUNE, a queer asian publication continuing to celebrate and build the community we have found in each other. This issue will focus specifically on the new year. All submissions are due SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 3 and will run in the FORTUNE debut at our LUNAR NEW YEAR party. We recognize this is a fast turn around, but we are feeling inspired and invigorated and maybe you are too! Please feel free to pass along to other folks who similarly identify with the A/Public community. **We want to acknowledge that not all members of this group might have a connection to the Lunar New Year or have a history of traditions around it. We hope this publication can more broadly serve as an inclusive document marking a new year, and how you relate to it. Contributions could address, but are not limited to: intention setting, rituals, lunar musings, cycles, breaking cycles, pigs, lucky numbers, etc...**
ISSUE 2: CORRESPONDENCE— This time, we’re thinking about CORRESPONDENCE — What is the stuff that relates to you, and what is the stuff that surrounds relation? How do you write for and against distance? What language do you use, is it common, who owns it? What are your games of identification and correlation, and when do they stop short? See related images.
ISSUE 3: ABOUT— For April, we intend to provide some context: What is FORTUNE about? What we are asking for, from you: Have you been hanging onto a fortune that spoke to you? Maybe one that listed alllll your lucky numbers? One that you just found months later in your pocket? Please send them our way!
ISSUE 4: TECHNOLOGIES— which could relate (but is certainly not limited) to the following:
>asia as a site of future technologies in the western imaginaryALSO SEEKING recommendations for a resource guide. What are your favorite restaurants/local businesses? What blogs do you follow? Online support groups? Please send along any and all recommendations that have a sharable link (website, yelp page, fb page, etc. all apply)
>overseas mass production/manufacturing // overseas waste incineration industries
>bridge between asian & asian american histories and how we imagine our queer asian futures >forms of correspondence/communication across distance / when we are far away
>Internet censorship in asian countries as a political measure
>FORTUNE as a held object we are creating with each other, using technology (the risograph) that lives between analog and digital.
ISSUE 5: BLOOM— We welcome thoughts, flirtations, and expressions on the ways in which we open up. How do you peacock? How do you BLOOM? We also welcome reflections on flower and foliage as a celebrated metaphor and motif in queer and/or asian cultural production. What roles do flowers play in our spiritual and ritual practices and in our gestures of honoring, of offering, of gift?
ISSUE 6: SWEAT— What makes you sweat? Is it a love feeling or a heat feeling? Is it a sharp pain or a radiant heat? What is the work u sweat for? Does wage labor make you nervous? What is the distance between that thing and the surface of your body? Where do you sweat the most, how do you sweat the best, and do you want to talk about it?
ISSUE 7: SOURCE— Will you sink your teeth into the texts that made you? Dig your heels into the ground you stand on? Will you swim upstream? We want your archives, your roots, your family photos, your places of return— the luster and lack of what comes before you. Will you map that waterway? Write this bibliography? Annotate that recipe?
ISSUE 8: HARVEST— What do you eat when the moon is whole and long? How do you defy scarcity? Describe a gathering, a gleaning, a reaping after sowing— bring us your most abundant moment. What does it feel like to feel full?
ISSUE 9: GARMENT— Who taught you to mend, to hold your posture, to dress like that? What’s your work wear? What’s your play wear? Do u transition day to evening? If trend is conditional on class struggle, how do you follow? What’s the propaganda all over your shirt? How much time do you devote to your garments? How do you perform them? How do they present/protect your entrance into the world? Is this routine a drag? Would you show us?
ISSUE 10: CHANCE— Do you play games? Does risk thrill you? How do you place your bets— do you weigh all possible outcomes? flip a coin? or do you just let the cards fall? Are you feeling lucky?...are you bluffing? What do you have in that hand, and will you deal us in? Send risky matter, aleatory play, scores for better gameplay, lottery ephemera, lucky rituals, bets on love, data hard and soft.
ISSUE 11: TAKE CARE— How are you managing? What is the theory and the praxis of your day, and how do you balance your needs with what’s asked of you? What are the structures of anti/productivity that move you along; and how do they hold you, somatically and socially? How do you engage in practices of health, in systems of healthcare, in multiple economies of bodily and psychic worth? How do you receive love, today? Can you shift from verb to noun, from action to preposition? What lets you be still? How are you, still? Would you write in your language of care?
ISSUE 12: WANING— What do you know now, having known fullness? How are you reflecting on past growth and how are you laying ground for new gain? What do you see differently when less is illuminated? Can you speak to the shadow, the quiet, to a whole self leaning into darkness? Are you ready to try, again?
ISSUE 13: WAXING— What is it like, getting big? What builds your momentum, carries you to wholeness? Is it a slow drip, an accumulation, a fast pull? Describe your critical mass. If waxing follows an evacuation, what do you collect back? How do you recuperate, and what documents do you need to go on? Who’s in your company, when you realize the future? Tell us — about the whole thing.In the spirit of this call, we are also seeking documentation of our Lunar New Year party in the form of reflection, images, found ephemera, fan (and other) fiction, sketches from memory, critical feedback, and anything else you’d like us to know.